1ST DESAFIO VEGETARIANO’S PICNIC FOR COOL BABIES AND KIDS! ?? ? The Garden of Quinta das Conchas hosted a very cool gathering with Storytelling, Talks, Running, Hugs, Playing, Surprises, and delicious Food… 100% vegan: all for dozens of even more cool, beautiful, healthy, happy, and animal loving babies and kids! ?
ISEL Green Week
O Programa ISEL Eco-Escola, do ISEL Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, organizou a ISEL Green Week para celebrar a Semana da Sustentabilidade, com uma série de eventos de sensibilização para a sustentabilidade ambiental e social, encerrando a semana em grande, com a oferta à Comunidade Académica de 200 almoços + 200 lanches confeccionados pelo...
Coffee break at XXXIV Jornadas de Terapêutica
This annual Congress, associated with the Therapeutics Curricular Unit of the 4th year of the Medicine course of the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute (ICBAS – Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar), already in its 34th edition, and with the support of the Aliança Animal and Desafio Vegetariano for the coffee breaks.
Portuguese edition and launching of the book How To Create A Vegan World: A Pragmatic Approach, By Tobias Leenaert
One of the most important works that we consider to be of utmost importance is the training of activists. The biggest difficulty in our work has always been to find competent volunteers who are well aligned with our kind of activism. That’s why in the past we tried to find a publisher for Melanie Joy’s...